Soc voluntari en computació distribuïda, primer participant en SETI@home a finals dels anys 90, i després en la plataforma BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) que el va absorbir. Això és el que he fet fins ara:

Darrerament li foto canya a Asteroids@home:
Certificate of computation: Asteroids@home

This certifies that  Jordi Planas Manzano  has participated in the SETI@home project since 14 February 2000, and has contributed 115,986 Cobblestones of computation (100.21 quadrillion floating-point operations) to SETI@home's search for extraterrestrial life.    Dr. David P. Anderson  Director, SETI@home  17 March 2017

This certifies that  Jordi Planas Manzano  has contributed 539,296 Cobblestones of computation (465.95 quadrillion floating-point operations) to the following scientific research projects:  Project Cobblestones Joined Einstein@Home 116167 14 July 2005 114520 14 July 2005 LHC@home 11214 14 July 2005 Rosetta@home 65050 6 December 2005 World Community Grid 57730 16 November 2006 SETI@home Beta 10878 19 November 2006 SETI@home 115757 14 February 2000 Cosmology@Home 24020 28 November 2007 Enigma@Home 12707 28 September 2007 vLHCathome 11214 14 July 2005

Pertanyo al equip Catalunya, i aquests son els seus números:

This certifies that team  Catalunya  has participated in SETI@home since 1 March 1999, and has contributed 271,839,350 Cobblestones of computation (234.87 quintillion floating-point operations) to SETI@home.    David P. Anderson  Director, SETI@home  17 March 2017