divendres, 26 de juliol del 2013

Data General Eclipse

Eclipse (Data General)
Eclipse S/230, Data General
No recordo a on vaig instal·lar Eclipses, el que si recordo és que van ser 5, i ho recordo per que al comprar 5 a Data General et donaven un status especial, i aquest si que el vaig assolir. Va ser per mitjans i finals dels 70. Eclipse (Data General) - CPU board (front)
Eclipse (Data General) - CPU board (rear)
The FHP used PAL’s and multi-layered boards. It took five 15x18 inch printed circuit boards to hold all of the logic for the CPU - two boards to do the instruction fetching and three boards to do the instruction execution. These boards were named FA (for Fetch “A” board), FB, EA, EB, and EC. (15x18 inch boards were non-standard for DG at the time.)
Eclipse (Data General)

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